Parameters: |
var Stream: |
TBassStreamItem = record
Name: String; //* FileName and path
Opened: Boolean; //* Opened in MDIChildwin
Selected: Boolean; //* Obsolete
FreeIt: Boolean; //* Remove this stream as soon as possible
CloseIt: Boolean; //* If Opened close stream as soon as possible
sType: String; //* Type [PCM,MPG,URL,OGG,WMA,TAG,MOD,CDA,N/A]
MPEGH: TMP3StreamHeader; //* First frame or info if not MPEG
Channel: Cardinal; //* Bass channel handle
ChannelVol: Integer; //* Volume
SyncEnd: Cardinal; //* Sync when play reaches end
SyncFade: Cardinal; //* Fade Sync (pos := playtime - crossfade length)
DSPs: Array[Byte] of TStreamDSPs; //* DSPs set
PlayTime: Int64; //* Playtime in ms
Bits: Byte; //* Bits 8 or 16
Playing: TPlayListStatus; //* (plStoped, plPlaying, plPaused, plRecording)
PlayingSel: Boolean; //* Playing selection
Length: Int64; //* MPEG frame count or ~length (0.026s per frame)
FrameBitRatesL: Boolean; //* MPEG frames bitrates loaded
FrameSize: Integer; //* CBR: frame sizes VBR: average frame size
FrameVBR: Boolean; //* Stream is a VBR MPEG
GfxZoom_StartPos: Double; //* Sample zoom start
GfxZoom_EndPos: Double; //* Sample zoom end
GfxZoom: Double; //* Sample zoom
Gfx_Pos: Integer; //* Sample position
SelStart: Int64; //* Selection start in MPEG frames
SelEnd: Int64; //* Selection end in MPEG frames
SampleData: Array of Byte; //* SESC (mono, may be stereo in the future)
FrameBitRates: Array of Smallint; //* MPEG frames bitrates
ID3v1_Touched: Boolean; //* ID3v1 touched
ID3v1_Found : Boolean; //* ID3v1 exists
ID3v2_Touched: Boolean; //* ID3v2 touched
ID3v2_Picture: String; //* ID3v2 Picture filename extracted in /Temp/
ID3v2_PictureCaption: String; //* ID3v2 Picture text
ID3v2_Found : Boolean; //* ID3v2 exists
myTag: Tid3v2Tag; //* ID3v1 Tag
myTagv1: Tid3Tag; //* ID3v2 Tag
PanelD3DHandle: HWND; //* 3DPanel Handle pass to Direct3D9.CreateDevice()
RenderProc: t_RenderProc; //* Rendering process (must be faster than 250ms)
CustomRenderProc: Boolean; //* True if using custom process for rendering
g_pd3dDevice: IDirect3DDevice9; //* D3D rendering device if Opened
CustomD3DDevice: Boolean; //* Completly custom drawing
vb_Coords: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D coords vertexes
vb_SD: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D sample vertexes
vb_BR: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D bit rates vertexes
vb_SD_middle: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D middle 0 line vertexes
vb_Cursor: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D playpos vertexes
vb_SelectionBack: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D selection back vertexes
vb_Selection: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D selection front vertexes
vb_Blur: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9; //* D3D blur vertexes (disabled)
matWorld: TD3DMatrix; //* D3D World matrix
matRotSD: TD3DMatrix; //* D3D Startup rotation matrix
matrixSD_Amplitude: Single; //* D3D Amplitude deformation matrix
vc_SD: Integer; //* Sample vertex count
vc_BR: Integer; //* Bit rates vertex count
vc_Coords: Integer; //* Coords vertex count
StartupAnim: Boolean; //* Rotation anim is on
StartupAnimAngle: Single; //* Rotation anim current angle
Rendering: Boolean; //* Frame rendering is in progress (should be False)
ShowBitRates: Boolean; //* Showing bit rates not samples