DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer is an audio input to audio output router/mixer with support of Direct Sound, WASAPI and ASIO modes.
Any type and number of audio inputs can be routed to any type and number of audio outputs with matrix mixing, VST DSP plugin support, 11 band equalizer and recording option.
ASIO output mixer is optionally multi-threaded to achieve lowest possible latency for high resolution 96/192KHz output with DSPs.
Spectrum and waveform (4 modes) visualisation options for input or output.
Equalizer, matrix mixing and VST DSPs have a preset system to store and recall settings.
DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer can start automaticaly with Windows with last used settings.
DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer is a shareware software. Unregistered version is a fully functional 25 day trial version. If you like this software please register.
Quick tutorial
Basic steps for using DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer
- In the upper-center part of the window select an output device. To the right set the desired format and click the 'Enable' switch. ASIO channel pairs inherit the root device's parameters if the root is already initialized, if it is not, the pair's settings will be used to initilize the root device, so set the root parameters first if needed for the pairs.
- In the left part of the window select an input device. To the right (center of the entire window) select the input's desired format and click the 'Enable' switch. The selected input device will start playing on the previously selected output device. The input device is always enabled through the last selected output device. It's possible to enable multiple input devices for 1 output device, and multiple outputs for a single input and in the input device options panel it's possible (at the bottom) to specify another 'monitor' output device, that needs to be enabled previously, that will play the selected input device too.
- To access the 3 FXes at the bottom select an input or output device from the list. The last selected input or output device will be affected. The lower panel's groupbox caption displays the currently selected device's name (input or output).
- For example to apply an equalizer to the device, set the EQ track bars and click on 'Enable'. Of course the parameters can be changed on the fly too.
- ASIO channel pairs receive audio data from the root device, so setting any effect, like volume or EQ, VST DSP, on the root device will affect all the channel pairs. Note that most VST DSP plugins support only stereo, so other than 1/2 channel might be unaffected or muted, in this case set the VST DSPs on the channel pairs.
- Input and output channel/device 'format' settings may have no effect. This is always so with WASAPI and with root ASIO devices' channel count. Input and output ASIO devices will always have the maximum number of channels supported, ASIO pair channels will be always stereo. After enabling the device/channel the actual format is displayed below the set option. To set WASAPI devices' formats, please use the Windows audio devices control panel.
- ASIO: if the output is skipping increase the ASIO device's buffer size. It's possible to access the ASIO device's configuration window by enabling the device then right mouse clicking on the device name and selecting 'ASIO Control Panel...'. Restart of DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer might be needed after changing the setting.
If your computer's CPU has power saving functionality (the CPU is throttled when idle) adjust the CPU power saving option in Windows control panel to 50% or higher if the output is still skipping.
A little CPU time can be saved with middle mouse button clicking on the input/output peak value number. This disables the peak calculation process.
The fastest CPU (as of march 2022) is the Intel Core i9-12900KF for the application. For ASIO output, if multi-threaded processing is enabled in settings, a CPU with more cores is more optimal, this functionality is experimental and only has advantage if there are a lot of ASIO channels with a lot of effects like VST DSPs on the channels.
- VST DSP: to bring up the plugin's configuration window double click on the plugin's name. To reset its settings right mouse click on the plugin's name and from the menu select 'Reset Plugin To Defaults (disable)'.
- It is advised to always work in 32 bit float sample format mode when dealing with input and output channels/devices. Recording may be set to any desired format, the sample data will be converted to the set format for recording.
- ASIO root device recording: It's possible to record ASIO root devices with option to only record the enabled stereo channel pairs. For 'channels' select 'Active pairs', only active channels pair will be recorded. For example if ASIO pair 1/2 and 5/6 is enabled the recording will contain 4 channels: 1/2 and 5/6. Note that multi-channel recording is only supported with WAV PCM, Opus, FLAC and Ogg Vorbis format.
Output is skipping or has too much latency
First of all always use ASIO if possible for lowest latency.
When output is skipping or distorted increase the buffer size.
When output has to much latency decrease the buffer size.
It requires a little work to find the best balance, for WASAPI the buffer size can be set in settings. Enabling exclusive mode might achieve lower buffer sizes.
For ASIO to access the ASIO device's configuration window enable the device then right mouse click on the device name and select 'ASIO Control Panel...'.
Restart of DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer might be needed after changing the setting.
Outputting to multiple ASIO channels
An input channel (pair) can be output to an output device or channel pair, and the 'monitor output' option can be used to output to one more extra output device or channel pair.
It's possible to set an input to an ASIO root device. Using matrix mixing the input channel can be routed to multiple ASIO output channels. It's also possible to use mono inputs this way too.
Assign any number of input channel pairs to the same ASIO root device and set their matrix mixing as needed.
Note that if the input is effected (using equalizer or VST DSPs) the effect will appear on all output channels that it is routed into - as all outputs receive the same audio stream.
Outputting a single input to multiple outputs
When a single input is set to output on multiple outputs all should be fine if the output (and completely ok if the input device) is the same.
If using different devices for input and output each device runs with its own clock and the playback might drift apart or even might skip after a time.
If using professional devices the solution is to run each device with the same clock source.
Also note that if outputting to an ASIO and a WASAPI device at the same time the WASAPI output will be behind the ASIO output as WASAPI buffer is much larger then ASIO buffer in most cases.
Focusrite Scarlett range of USB audio interfaces
Focusrite Scarlett USB audio interfaces when sample rate set above 96 KHz the control app. displays a "Mixer is disabled at this sample rate" message.
DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer can be used, instead of hardware, to use software mixing and still route multiple inputs to (multiple) outputs at 192 KHz with support of equalizer and VST DSP effects at the same time if a little latency is acceptable. Latency can be adjusted with the Scarlett's software if needed.
In the control app. insted of "custom mix" select the software outputs you wish to use for the particular output, in DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer select 192000 Hz as the sample rate for the (root) output ASIO device, enable it and as written above (previous section "Outputting to multiple ASIO channels"), plug in the desired channel pairs or the whole input root device.
If you input only pairs they can be effected separately.
Routing into DAW
Audio device ASIO drivers that support multiple initializations from multiple applications and have a "loopback" option, like the Focusrite Scarlett range of devices, can be used together with DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer to route any (number of) inputs into your DAW even from different devices at the same time.
- Set the "loopback" input, for example to software input DAW 5-6 channel, in your audio device's control panel (for example in Focusrite Control).
- In DS WASAPI Router Mixer enable this ASIO 5-6 channel as the output channels.
- Select any input channel and enable it to this 5-6 output.
- In your DAW use the loopback channels of the device as the input channels for a track.
That's it. So it's possible to route with DS WASAPI Router Mixer any number or type of inputs into your DAW.
This is especially interesting with Ableton Live because it does not support using multiple audio devices at the same time, with this solution it's possible to route any (number of) input into Live.
One thing to note: when dealing with different devices' input-outputs the devices' clocks run separatelly so they can drift apart with time (there can be a buffer over or underflow with time), but as far as I tested it does not seem to occur in a reasonable time, maybe after a long time, maybe hours. And that's just a 1 skip in hours.
WARNING: Be careful not to route the output of your DAW back into the loopback device as this causes an infinite feedback loop that can damage your device or your hearing if the volume is up.
Notes for ASIO support
Some audio devices don't come with an official ASIO driver, ASIO4ALL driver can be used instead, it's an universal ASIO driver that adds ASIO support for most audio devices.
Only enable audio devices in ASIO4ALL's control panel that you explicitly wish to use. DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer initializes all ASIO devices' channels on enable, you won't be able to enable (or hear silence) the ASIO device in DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer if it is already initialized by ASIO4ALL.
Note that after reconfiguring ASIO4ALL in its control panel it is needed to restart DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer for the new devices and changes to show up.
Applying FX to any output the computer is playing
This is not impossible, though it will introduce latency.
Some kind of virtual audio output is needed that "loops-back" the audio into a virtual input channel.
For example virtual audio cable.
Set the needed application to output to this virtual device, in DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer enable the real output device, where you wish to hear the audio, and select the virtual input channel (that has the loopback'ed audio playing) and activate it.
Add the VST efffect to the input or output device/channel.
This should now FX the audio that plays on the output device/channel.
Notes for MP4/AAC
Because of licensing issues MP4 recording is not enabled by default. Download 'faac.exe' and copy into the app.'s 'Encoders' folder (eg. 'C:\Program Files\DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer\Encoders\').
Start DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer and MP4 recording option will be available.
Free VST DSP plugins included
These free VST DSP plugins included can be used freely with or without DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer. You can use them freely in your favourite DAW or audio application too.
- Blue Cat's Chorus
From a light ensemble to a deep destructive modulation effect, Blue Cat's Chorus can just do anything, for free!
The Chorus effect was originally designed to simulate several voices, just as if several persons were playing together the same notes, but with a variable delay between them. This is one of the typical effects that you can get with Blue Cat's Chorus.
But this plug- in also enables you to drastically change the original sound and create deep pitch modulation or crazy 'bubbling' effects.
With the additional "Spread" control on the stereo version, the famous stereo widening and head spinning chorus effects are a few clicks away.
- Voxengo Marvel GEQ
Marvel GEQ is a linear-phase 16-band graphic equalizer plug-in with multi-channel operation support (supporting up to 8 input/output channels, audio host application dependent) for professional music production applications.
Marvel GEQ offers extensive internal channel routing capabilities, and supports mid/side channel processing.
Marvel GEQ allows audio engineers and musicians to apply quick EQ shape adjustments, both to audio tracks and full mixes. The linear-phase filtering offered by Marvel GEQ is suitable for equalization tasks where high quality and excellent sonic character are a must.
- Voxengo OldSkoolVerb
Free Reverb plugin that implements a kind of “classic” stereo reverb algorithm which is technically simple yet optimal. Provides a wide palette of reverb sounds, ranging from plate to hall.
- TAL-Flanger
TAL-Flanger is a easy to tweak stereo flanger effect with its own special sound and some asymmetric analog like components in the feedback corner. Useful for a wide range of flanger effects from subtle to extreme.
- TAL-Bitcrusher
TAL-Bitcrusher is a common bitcrusher with some useful additions. There is a low- and highshelf EQ and a noise cross modulator included. It's maybe useful on drums, especially hats and for distorted leads.
- VST Broadcast - © Jeroen Breebaart - 32 bit only
Broadcast is a multi-band dynamics processor. It is combined with a sub-band stereo width processing.