MP4 Silence Cut
MP4 Silence Cut is a powerful MP4 audio and video file splitter (video files with AAC audio tracks are only supported). Automatically cuts MP4 files by silent parts, with batch processing support.
- Cut MP4, M4A, M4B and M4V audio and video files by silence (no re-compression is performed, the resulting output files are 100% the quality of the original)
- Specify silence length, silence volume level, length to keep before and after the loud part
- Batch process multiple files
- User interface DPI scaling is supported
MP4 Silence Cut is a shareware software. Unregistered version is limited to 1 cut per scan. If you like this software please register.
There is also an MP3 Silence Cut app. for MP3 audio files.
Additionally for MP4, MP4 Stream Editor supports cutting by silence decodelessly MP3, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, Opus and DSD formats too.
Cut MP4 audio files by silence help
MP4 Silence Cut supports cutting audio files automatically by detecting silence within the audio file and using them as cut points without re-compression (preserving 100% the quality of the original audio file).
There are 4 simple parameters:
- Min. silence length: specifies the minimal length of silence between loud parts of the audio file that will be considered as a cut point. For example an audio CD might have 2 seconds of silences between the tracks. To cut by this silence specify 1900 ms here (1.9 seconds) - to have a little treshold.
- Max. silence volume: if the audio file is a live recording for example the silent parts will not be really silent but only a low volume. It's possible to fine-tune the detection with an arbitrary value like 10% - 100% is full volume.
- Prepend length: when a silent part is detected, this value specifies the offset to perform the cut before the silence block detected by this value. For example if the silence is detected at position 10 seconds and prepend length is set to 1000 ms (1 second) then the cut will start from 9 seconds. This value is important to be used together with a non-zero max. silence volume value. If the silent block is detected with 10% volume level the audio will probably start before that, specify how much of audio to prepend to the cut.
- Append length: the same functionality as prepend length, just works at the end of the cut.
Add an audio file to the list, double click on the file name, specify the parameters and click the 'Scan audio' button.
The sample display will display the detected cut points. If not satisfied with the result click on 'Clear results' and adjust the parameters.
Click the 'Scan audio' button again. If all is good click on 'Perform the cut'.
When editing individual audio files segments can be adjusted with clicking and dragging the markers. To remove a segment right-mouse-button click on the start or end marker.
To batch process multiple files, close the sample display with clicking on 'Close' button, add the source files to the list and click the 'Proces the list' button.