MP4 & MKV Video Manager
Video Manager is a powerful tag editor and manager for MKV and MP4 video and audio files.
- Edit Matroska tags in MKV, MKA, MKS, MK3D and WEBM files
- Edit MP4 tags in MP4, M4A, M4B, ALAC and 3GP files
- Manage cover arts
- Search for and download movie details and poster from The Movie Data Base
- Batch tag series video files each with individual details and poster from The Movie Data Base with a couple of clicks
- Powerful search functionality to find video and audio files in your library
- Copy/paste tags (between MP4/MKV too)
- Edit Matroska chapter tags
- Edit all MP4 metadata atoms
- MP4 template system
- Batch rename files based on their metadata
- Convert audio and video files into MP3, Opus, Flac, Ogg Vorbis and WAV
- Extract audio from video files decodelessly to M4A/MP3
- Context menu integration, quickly edit tags from Windows File Explorer by just right mouse button clicking on file(s)
- UI styling support with some dark themes
- Full unicode and UI DPI scaling support
Please check tag editors' features matrix for comparison of the apps' features.
Video Manager is a shareware software. Unregistered version is a fully functional 25 day trial version with a 50 tagging limit. If you like this software please register.
Details list mode
In details list mode right mouse button click on the column headers to pop-up the options menu.
Hide default or add custom columns as needed.
MKV notes
- The default target when editing audio files (MKA) is 30 (song/track), in case of video files (MKV, MK3D) the default target is 50 (episode/movie). More info about target types.
- Only one (the first) target branch is editable. To edit multiple branches of the same target type please use the 'Edit tags tree' window.
- Sort order tags are only written if the according main tag is present. Eg. title sort order is only written if title is also set (before editing the sort order tag).
- When editing chapter tags (the chapter list is visible), if no chapter is selected the tags are edited for the selected edition, when a chapter is selected the tags are edited for the selected chapter.
When the context is modified, eg. a chapter is selected then the tags are re-displayed for the selected chapter, or if chapter list is deselected the context switches to editing currently selected edition's tags.
If the chapter list is closed the context switches to normal (non-chapter) mode.
- Importing a complete tags structure for multiple selected files is also only available with the tree-view edit. The detailed tag editing for multiple files will only update the currently selected target in them.
- Selecting a target will not affect the following tags (also their default positions - they are always set to the target specified below):
- Total tracks: 'TOTAL_PARTS' - '50'
- CD: 'PART_NUMBER' - '50'
- Total CDs: 'TOTAL_PARTS' - '60'
- TV network: 'TV_NETWORK' - '70'
- Show: 'TITLE' - '70'
- Season number: 'PART_NUMBER' - '60'
More info on tags in general:
When setting the iTunMOVI XML tag, cast is set in the 'cast' XML branch. Involved peoples are set in the specified "Function" branch.
iTunes sets for example directors in the "directors" branch, so you have to specify the director as a "Function" 'directors' even when there is only 1 director.
Please try saving an example MP4 file with iTunes to find out other crew "Function" names.
Using MP4/MKV templates
Tag templates can be used to apply a collection of tags that are needed multiple times to the MP4 or MKV files.
For example if regularly publishing MP4 video files, it's possible to create a tag tamplate with an URL, a copyright and an e-mail address, etc. and apply these tags every time when publishing a new video (or multiple videos).
To create a new tag template use the menu item "Template/Create New MP4 Template..." or open an existing MP4 file in the detailed tag editor and use the "Export..." button at the top-left corner of the window and export the tags to a new file.
To edit this file use the menu item "Template/Edit An Existing MP4 Template...". Note that these tamplate files are actually MP4 files with just the tags (no audio/video), so they can be managed just like ordinary MP4 files.
When a template is ready add the MP4 files that are to be tagged to the stream list, use the menu item "Stream List/Select All" then the menu item "Apply MP4 Template To All Selected MP4 Files...".
A dialog will pop-up to specify the template file and the merge mode to be used to batch tag these files.
Command line options
Example command line to multi edit MP4 tags in 2 MP4 files:
"C:\Program Files\Video Manager\VideoManager.exe" -editMP4tags "D:\Video\My video 1.mp4" "D:\Video\My video 2.mp4"
Available switches:
Replacing ffmpeg
In case there are any issues with video thumbnails or audio extracting functionality, or just wish to use the latest version, optionally the provided ffmpeg build can be replaced with for example the latest version.
Simply download the latest ffmpeg build and copy all the files to the installed folder's 'Tools' folder (usually 'C:\Program Files\Video Manager\Tools'). It is recommended to create a backup of the existing folder, eg. just rename it, before copying the new files, just in case.
Note that it is not guarantied that the new version will work for sure but might have eg. support for new codecs for example.
Replacing mkvtoolnix
In case there are any issues with tagging or cover arts, or just wish to use the latest version, optionally the provided mkvtoolnix build can be replaced with for example the latest version.
Simply download the latest mkvtoolnix build and copy all the files to the installed folder's 'mkvtoolnix' folder (usually 'C:\Program Files\Video Manager\mkvtoolnix'). It is recommended to create a backup of the existing folder, eg. just rename it, before copying the new files, just in case.
Note that it is not guarantied that the new version will work for sure but might have eg. support for new features or updated support for example.