^ Filesystem Dialogs License
^ Skeez License
^ GraphDisplay3D Library License
^ TSpectrum3D License
^ TCP Server-Client Library License
^ TRegistration License
^ ID3v2 Library License
^ APEv2 Library License
^ MP4 Tag Library License
^ Ogg Vorbis and Opus Tag Library License
^ Flac Tag Library License
^ WMA Tag Library License
^ MKV Tag Library License
^ WAV Tag Library License
^ Tags Library License
^ Storage Stream Library License
^ Ogg Streamer Library License
^ BASS CD Ripper Library License
^ BASS Stream Recorder Library License
^ BASS Audio Recognition Library License
^ LAME Encoder Library License
^ BASS Encoder Library License
^ Image Recognition Library License
^ Multimedia Control Icon Set License
^ TMultiThread License
^ TFilesProcess License
^ MP3 Editor Library License
^ DTMF Scanner Library License
^ WebPage Snapshot Library License
^ File Operations Library License
^ Graphics32 3delite Helpers
^ Professional Thumbnailer Library
^ Sledge Process Library License
^ Sample Display Library License
^ Audio Bezier Curves Library License
^ COM BASSFX Library License
^ COM BASS Mixer Library License
^ Free Image Bitmap Library License
^ FMX.WinBitmaps License
^ Drop Target Files & Picture License
^ Anim GIF Library License
^ COM Media Info Library License

Overwiew :: Download :: Top
License for all components

You can use all components listed on this site in your free programs for €95. A shareware or commercial license is needed if you wish to use these components in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product.

License for all current and future components within this site with free updates is available as a bundle. Purchasing one of these licenses grants you lifetime use of any of the components listed on this site or appearing in the future.
For components that come with no sources the source codes are available upon request with Shareware and Commercial bundle licenses.

^ All 3delite's Components Lifetime Freeware Bundle License €95, for freeware developers.

^ All 3delite's Components Lifetime Shareware Bundle License €250, for shareware developers.

^ All 3delite's Components Lifetime Commercial Bundle License €1250, for a single commercial company.

For the shareware license, the products must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

You can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • Note that if you use BASS in your application you also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/.

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Filesystem Dialogs Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €95, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €450, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    You can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    Note that if you use BASS in your application you also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ as it adds thumbnail view to many audio files and BASS supports quite few of them with it's plugins.

    With commercial license the source code (Delphi Alexandria) is available upon request that can be used to customize the component for the applications (no re-selling or redistribution allowed).
    Also there is a unit that provides the option to build Filesystem Dialogs directly into the EXE (so there's no need for the FilesystemDialogs.dll).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Skeez in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    Freeware Licenses:

    ^ Skeez Basic Freeware License €15, for usage of the Skeez component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Skeez Filesystem & Pictures Freeware License €25, for usage of the Skeez, Skeez Filesystem, Skeez Pictures and File Operations Library components in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Skeez Audio Freeware License €50, for usage of the Skeez, Skeez Filesystem, Skeez Pictures, Skeez Audio, File Operations Library and Tags Library components in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    Shareware Licenses:

    ^ Skeez Basic Shareware License €50, for usage of the Skeez component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Skeez Filesystem & Pictures Shareware License €95, for usage of the Skeez, Skeez Filesystem, Skeez Pictures and File Operations Library components in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Skeez Audio Shareware License €145, for usage of the Skeez, Skeez Filesystem, Skeez Pictures, Skeez Audio, File Operations Library and Tags Library components in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    Commercial Licenses:

    ^ Skeez Basic Commercial License €195, for usage of the Skeez component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Skeez Filesystem & Pictures Commercial License €250, for usage of the Skeez, Skeez Filesystem, Skeez Pictures and File Operations Library components in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Skeez Audio Commercial License €645, for usage of the Skeez, Skeez Filesystem, Skeez Pictures, Skeez Audio, File Operations Library and Tags Library components in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses (of the same type), eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    All licenses cover both the VCL and the FMX FireMonkey versions at the same time.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Note that if you use BASS in you programs (shareware or commercial), you'll also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com.

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    GraphDisplay3D Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €450, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    You can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

  • Note that if you use BASS in you programs (shareware or commercial), you'll also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/.

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    TSpectrum3D in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    You can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

  • If you are using the component in you programs (shareware or commercial), you'll also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/.

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    TRegistration in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €125, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €205, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    ID3v2 Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    APEv2 Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    MP4 Tag Library in shareware and commercial software?

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Ogg Vorbis and Opus Tag Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Flac Tag Library in shareware and commercial software?

    This unit is based on ATL's FlacFile class but many new features were added, specially full support for managing cover arts and full support of Ogg Flac files.
    As the original unit is LGPL licensed you are entitled to use it for free given the LGPL license terms.
    If you are using the cover art managing functions (read and/or write) and/or Ogg Flac functions you can use it for free programs/projects (non-money making use) with a freeware license but for shareware or commerical programs (or money making) you need one of the following licenses:

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    WMA Tag Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    MKV Tag Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use MKV Tag Library with a freeware license for free programs/projects but for shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) programs you should buy one of the following licenses:

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    All licenses cover the use of Free Image Bitmap Library automatically (Free Image Library usage itself is completely free, please see it's license for details).

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    This component is released under the GPL license.

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    WAV Tag Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Tags Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €45, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €95, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €450, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Storage Stream Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Ogg Streamer Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    BASS CD Ripper Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • License buyers can also request the Delphi 10.4 Sydney source code in e-mail (3delite@3delite.hu) that can be used to adapt the component for the application (no re-selling or redistribution allowed).

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

  • You also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    BASS Stream Recorder Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • License buyers can also request the Delphi 10.4 Sydney source code in e-mail (3delite@3delite.hu) that can be used to adapt the component for the application (no re-selling or redistribution allowed).

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

  • You also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    BASS Audio Recognition Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs for a very little registration fee. You need a license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • Commercial license buyers can also request the Delphi 10.4 Sydney source code in e-mail (3delite@3delite.hu) that can be used to adapt the component for the application (no re-selling or redistribution allowed).

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

  • You also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    LAME Encoder Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs for a very little registration fee. You need a license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • With commercial license the source code (Delphi XE7) is available upon request (3delite@3delite.hu), though no redistribution is allowed.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

  • When using the BASS method (with bass.dll and bass_fx.dll) you also need a separate license for BASS from http://www.un4seen.com/

    Please donate to the author of BASS_FX if you are using BASS_FX functions for commercial purposes.

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    BASS Encoder Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

  • You also need a separate license for BASS from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

    AAC is patented and a license is required to use it in commercial products. A license can be obtained from Via: https://www.via-corp.com/licensing/aac/

    You can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • With commercial license the source code (Delphi 10.4 Sydney) is available upon request (3delite@3delite.hu), though no redistribution is allowed.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Image Recognition Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • Commercial license buyers can also request the Delphi source code in e-mail (3delite@3delite.hu) that can be used to adapt the component for the application (no re-selling or redistribution allowed).

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Multimedia Control Icon Set in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the icons in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use the icons in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the icons inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of the icons in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of the icons in a single commercial product or using the icons inside a commercial company.

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    TMultiThread in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €45, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    TFilesProcess & TFilesProcessShell in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the components in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €45, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    MP3 Editor Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the component in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use the component in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    TCP Server-Client Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Sledge Process Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the component in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use the component in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €45, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €295, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Sample Display Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €50, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • You also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

  • With commercial license the source code (Delphi 10.4 Sydney) is available upon request (3delite@3delite.hu), though no redistribution is allowed.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Audio Bezier Curves Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €45, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    DTMF Scanner Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • You also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

  • With commercial license the source code (Delphi 10.4 Sydney) is available upon request (3delite@3delite.hu), though no redistribution is allowed.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    WebPage Snapshot Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • With commercial license the source code (Delphi 11 Alexandria) is available upon request (3delite@3delite.hu), though no redistribution is allowed.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    File Operations Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Graphics32 3delite Helpers in shareware and commercial software?

    First of all using Graphics32 is free, according to it's license, only using Graphics32 3delite Helpers requires a license.

    You can use these components in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €45, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €125, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Professional Thumbnailer Library in shareware and commercial software?

    First of all using FreeImage.dll and MediaInfo.dll is free, according to their licenses, only using Professional Thumbnailer Library requires a license.

    You can use these components in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €45, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €250, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    With shareware and commercial license the Delphi source code is available upon request (obviously only the "ProfessionalThumbnailer.dll" source codes) that can be easily linked in to the executable omitting the DLL.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    • Note that if you use BASS in your application you also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/.

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    COM BASSFX Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • You also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

    Please donate to the author of BASS_FX if you are using BASS_FX for commercial purposes.

  • With commercial license the source code (Delphi 10.4 Sydney) is available upon request (3delite@3delite.hu), though no redistribution is allowed.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    COM BASS Mixer Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use this component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use this software in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €45, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

  • You also need a BASS license available separately from http://www.un4seen.com/ to use BASS in shareware or commercial software.

  • With commercial license the source code (Delphi 10.4 Sydney) is available upon request (3delite@3delite.hu), though no redistribution is allowed.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

  • Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Free Image Bitmap Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use the component in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €45, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    FMX.WinBitmaps in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the component in your free programs for free. You need a license though if you wish to use the component in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €45, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Drop Target Files & Picture in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use the component in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €45, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    Anim GIF Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the component in your free programs with a freeware license. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use the component in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Freeware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your freeware software.

    ^ Shareware License €25, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €95, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:

    Overwiew :: Download :: Top
    COM Media Info Library in shareware and commercial software?

    You can use the component in your free programs for free. You need a shareware or commercial license though if you wish to use the component in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product. Commercial license also allows the usage of the component inside a commercial company.

    ^ Shareware License €15, allows the usage of component in an unlimited number of your shareware software.

    ^ Commercial License €45, allows the usage of component in a single commercial product or using the component inside a commercial company. The source code is available by request with this license (no re-selling or re-distribution is allowed).

    For the shareware license, the product must sell for no more than €40 each. The price limit can be raised by purchasing duplicate licenses, eg. 2 licenses doubles it.

    In all cases there are no royalties to pay, and you can use all future updates without further cost, all you need to do is just obtain the newest version.

    This component is also available as part of the "All Components Lifetime License Bundle" (click the link for details).

    Note that MediaInfo.dll itself can be used completely freely, only using the COM class wrapper commercially requires a license. Please donate to the authors of MediaInfo.dll if you are using MediaInfo.dll for commercial purposes. If none of these licenses match your requirements, or if you have any questions, get in touch (3delite@3delite.hu).

    Additional information:
