* Detailed tag editors
Detailed tag editor windows
MP4 Stream Editor supports the tagging formats: ID3v1, ID3v2, MP4, Flac, Ogg Vorbis and Opus, APEv2, WMA and WAV tags.
When a stream is selected on the stream list and 'Edit Tag Details' button is clicked an appropriate tag editor window pops-up based on the file format. To use a specific tag editor right-mouse-button click on the stream on the stream list and from the pop-up menu select 'Detailed Tag Editor...', and select an editor.
All tag editors work with multiple files too. When multiple files are selected on the stream list the tag editors will tag all the selected files at once, so the selected files should be of the same format (or support the same tagging format).
When tagging multiple files in the tag editor window first click the yellow lock icon at the top-right part of the window to lock all fields. Fields that are locked are not changed. For example to specify the album name for multiple files, after locking all fields, unlock the 'album' field, again clicking on the yellow lock icon to the right of the album edit. Now enter the album name and click the 'Save' button. All selected streams' album tag will be changed but all other fields will not be altered. Unlock and edit all the tags that are needed before clicking 'Save'.
Note: picture files can be dragged from Windows explorer and dropped onto the tag editor windows to use the as cover arts for tag editors that support managing cover arts.