* Multi tag list
Multi tagger
Multi tagger helps you out, when you have to tag multiple files or if you want to change the file names of multiple files.
If your files don't have suitable filenames, your files don't have any tags, or you just want to copy ID3v1 tags into ID3v2 then multi tag editor is right here for you!
There are six main functions to select. These are:
Tag to Filename
You can easely rename more audio files from their tags. Specify which tag version you want to use by selecting the Use information from tag radiobuttons.
In the mask window you can specify which tag frames (for instance name, or artist, etc.) will be used, and below you will see an example of how the filename will look like.
Pressing the Default button, will delete your custom format, and the default mask will be: Artist - Title.mp3
Filename to Tag
This is the opposite function of Tag to Filename, and of course, the Filename to Tag panel is very similar to Tag to Filename's panel.
You can select which tag version you want to use with the ID3v1 or ID3v2 check boxes.
Checkmark 'Only if field not exists' if you want to add the tag only if there is no one already.
Filename to Tag works on a very simple scheme. Tags will be added from the following mask: foldername\filename - filename.ext will be converted to tag as: AlbumName\Artist - Title.mp3
ID3v1 <-> ID3v2
This function converts ID3v1 tag into ID3v2 tag or vice versa.
You can select which method you want to use with the ID3v1 -> ID3v2, or ID3v2 -> ID3v1 radio buttons.
Again checkmark 'Only if field not exists' if you want to add the tag only if there is no one already.
In the Select ID3 fields to copy section, you can specify which tag fields to copy.