* Repair list
Repair list
MP4 Stream Editor's repair audio files functionality lets you repair and fix a couple of issues related to MP3 audio files. Repair list can be accessed with the 6th main icon.
List of issues that can be addressed:
- MPEG frame errors
- Validity of first MPEG header frame's MPEG frame count in the file ('Xing', 'Info' and 'VBRI' header)
- Check if there is junk before the first MPEG frame (between the ID3v2 tag and the first frame too)
- Validity of the ID3v2 TLEN (total playtime) frame
- Check if ID3v2 tag has too much padding - waste of storage space
Add MP3 files to the repair list, scan them for errors with the 'Scan all files on the repair list' button, each file item will display the status of the file in the repair list.
Select a file in the list to display the issues above the repair list.
If there are files with problems, use either 'Repair selected' or 'Repair all' to fix the issues.