^ Overview
^ Main window
^ Sample display window
^ Detailed tag editors
^ Encode list
^ Multi tag list
^ Cut list
^ Repair list
^ Audio CD ripper
^ Direct stream recording
^ Settings
^ Log
^ Known bugs

How to remote control MP4 Stream Editor (cast server) with the Android client application

MP4 Stream Editor can be remote controlled with the MP4 Stream Editor Android Client application.
For example if there's Wi-Fi access in your home it's possible to use the Android client as a remote controller for MP4 Stream Editor while listening to music.
This tutorial explains how to configure the server and the Android client for this task.

Setting up

Connecting to the cast server with the Android client

Start the playback (within mixer control) in MP4 Stream Editor and start the server with the last button (icon) to the right, in the second row of buttons, in mixer control.
Start the Android client application and click on the 'Connect' button.
Fill the server field value with the value from MP4 Stream Editor's casting server ("Menu:Casting/Casting Server Info..."), for example: '' and set the port number too.
To connect to the meta data cast/remote control server enter the login name, password and nick name.
If the server address entered in the Android app. starts with 'http://', 'https://' or 'ftp://' then an audio connection will be made too, if the cast server is configured to cast the audio output of MP4 Stream Editor. If just an IP is specified as the server, the Android app. will receive the info/can control the server but the audio will not be streamed to the Android app.
Click on the 'Connect' button. If connection is successfull the currently playing song info will appear.
Now you can control the playback with the 'Cast control' buttons, view detailed information of the currently playing song, rate and download currently playing song to your device, or browse the songs in you library and download them to your Android device, if the set login rights in MP4 Stream Editor allow.
Note: the server address and login data is automatically saved, but if the PC is restarted the modem/router might assign a different IP for the PC, configure the router's DHCP settings to always assign the same fixed IP address for the PC.


If you just want to remote control MP4 Stream Editor, in "Menu:Casting/Output Casting Server Settings..." specify "Cast status information only (remote control)" at the top-right part of the window.
No audio will be casted just the currently playing song info and remote control functionality will be available.