How to archive your audio CDs in 100% quality
Here's how to archive your audio CDs (CDDAs) in full lossless 100% quality using MP4 Stream Editor:
- Insert your audio CD in the drive.
- Bring in the audio CD ripper in MP4 Stream Editor (6th icon from the left).
- Select the drive with the upper-left drop-down box.
- Use the "File name" field to enter a file name for the ripped audio file.
- In the "Encoding options" select a Flac format. This will result a 100% quality ripp of the audio CD.
- Put a check beside "Album mode (one file with Subsong system)" if you want a single file, or uncheck it if you want to ripp each track to a saparate file.
- Click "CD Info/Tags", then in the CDDB window click "Query" to get the audio CD artist/track information if it is available.
- Click "Use".
- In the "Save to:" edit, enter the folder where you want the ripped files stored.
- Click "Ripp".
After a while MP4 Stream Editor will copy the audio CD tracks to your hard drive in original 100% quality.
Here's how to write back the ripped audio tracks to an audio CD without quality loss (you need Ahead Nero installed and configured):
- Add the files you want to write to an audio CD to the Stream List.
- Double-click on the "Nero Burn CD/DVD" plugin
- Select the files you want burned with Shift/Ctrl + mouse click (the audio CD compilation total time will be shown on the Nero Burn CD/DVD plugin, if it turns to red the tracks won't fit on the CD). Be careful not to select the root stream if you are using a single file with Subsong system!
- Click the upper CD icon on the Nero Burn CD/DVD plugin to write the ripped tracks back to an audio CD.
This way you get back your original audio CD in without any quality loss.