Batch organize audio files from folder
MP4 Stream Editor's organize audio files functionality (menu: Tools/Organize Audio Files From Folder...) lets you organize audio and MP4 video files automatically by their tags into an automatically created folder structure.
Specify source and destination folder, select a 'Structure preset' or enter a custom one, and click the 'Organize' button. All the supported audio files will be copied from the source folder to the destination and a folder structure will be automatically created with audio files sorted into the appropriate folders.
The 'Create structure' field specifies how to organize the audio files. Any tag name can be used. For example if it's 'Genre\Album' and one of the files is 'Daft Punk - Homework - High Fidelity.mp3' and it's genre tag is 'Dance', it will be copied to output folder + '\Dance\Homework\Daft Punk - Homework - High Fidelity.mp3'.
If the given tag does not exists in the source file 'Unspecified' tag value will be used. Taking the above example if there is no 'genre' in the tags the file will be copied to folder: output folder + '\Unspecified\Homework\Daft Punk - Homework - High Fidelity.mp3'.